Tuesday 20 December 2016

Audience Feedback

For the past week, we have been working on presentations to share with the class on certain aspects of a music magazine. The aim of this is so that we can all grasp a greater understanding when we are crafting our magazines.

Friday 16 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Chosen Shot For Frontpage

This is the shot I intend to use for my front page. I think it is best suited for the front page.

Music Magazine Task : Chosen Shot For Contents Page

Here is the shot I have chosen for my contents page, I believe that with some editing I can capture a good contents page that will get the perfect image I am aiming for

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Shots

I like this shot the most, and I believe that
with some text editing I can make a good
cover using this. It gets a good serious vibe
that is often seen in hip-hop artists.
 Here are the shots I took today, I have inserted a short caption explaining my thoughts on the images. Overall, I am pleased with my shots I have took and look forward to editing them in my magazine.
This shot also went very well, this shot may
be good for my front cover. I believe it gives
a good serious vibe that I can use for my

This shots purpose is to undergo a lot
of editing to create an appropriate shot. I
Intend to create a much darker image through

This is also one of my favourite shots
However I am yet to find where I can use
it in my magazine. Much like the previous
two shots, this one captures the vibe I am
aiming for.

Friday 9 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Location

For my magazine's shot, I will require a location to take the picture. My actor and I are going to ask for permission to use our schools drama studio during a time when it is not being used. To do this, we will ask the head of drama what times the studio is being used and if she would be willing to allow us to use it for a short period. The reason we have chose to use the studio is because it has good lighting and overall is a very clean area to take simple shots.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Costume & Narrative

The necessary costume for my shot will be worn by my actor, he will have his hood up and look somewhat crime/gang-related for the purpose of my shot. The reason I am aiming for this narrative is because rappers often associate themselves with crime, gangs and drugs in their music.

Music Magazine Task : My Actor

My actor and I have agreed on the shot, props and location of our picture. We're going to try to arrange an appropriate date for both of us so that we do not cut into our learning time. We have already arranged to wear specific clothes that is relevant to my magazine's theme and genre. I will update my blog and to detail what props we will involve.

Music Magazine: Front Cover