Monday 27 February 2017

Evaluation Question 7

Research and Planning

My planning skills have more than improved since I began. At first, I may have took no more than 10 minutes to draft an idea for what I was going to set out to do. Now I put in far much time and thinking, taking things like mise en scene and props into account before taking my shot. (As seen when I replaced my front page actor). In my prelim task, my shot was so straight forward that you can tell I had put no effort into the shot. Whereas in my music magazine shots, there are a variety of poses, clothing and a microphone prop. The extra thought put into the shot reflects on the end product.


Photoshop allowed me to get more advanced knowledge not only editing shots, but also taking them. When I had retook my shots, I took into account how they were going to be presented on my already finished front page. I adjusted not only the actor, but also the lighting so that the shot was easier to edit around with in photoshop.

Time Management
My time management has also greatly improved, my prelim task was rushed, almost last minute and the date in which I had planned to take the shots got pushed back further and further until I realised I had very little time to edit the actual front page / contents page. In my music magazine task however, time management was the key to ensuring my product was finalised and I was happy with the result.

Prelim vs. Magazine
My prelim task is greatly flawed and shows through the lack of any sort of planning or management, the end result of it was very basic, plain and straight forward, there was nothing particularly inspiring about it what so ever. My final product, the music magazine on the other hand sticks to conventions whilst including original ideas which shows the thought behind the magazine pages.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Evaluation Question 6

What Have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Blogger is a website I have never heard of before. It allows users to create their own online blog, making posts to its followers that may include pictures or text. I feel like blogger was insanely important in getting my work finished, as the site is great for recording and sharing ones progress. Looking back at my blogs, I can see that there is much improvement made.


Photoshop is a very advanced piece of software which I had no skill in prior to starting my project. All the way from my pre-lim task, I have learnt so much about this app: how to manipulate layering, text editing, guidelines, proportions etc. There is still much to learn but the amount of information and techniques I have processed is astounding.


Slide share, much like blogger, is a website which I had never used previously. Throughout my media work, I have discovered slide share to be a most valuable tool in checking on my progress and approaches to questions and conventions of my magazine. Slide share offers me other inputs of the same topic which allow me to take notes and slowly make my work more conventional.


Youtube, being the largest video streaming platform as of right now. I was very familiar with it. However, I learnt of a whole media-related community on the site, where people post videos on topics related to my coursework and where I was able to fetch other peoples ideas and learn a lot of new things regarding my subject.

Friday 10 February 2017

Evaluation Question 4

Alex is 24 years old, he lives in Birkenhead town. His clothes consist of fairly urban, he wears beanies and has tattoos. His style is consistently informal and shows a lack of care for people’s look on him

He enjoys going out with his friends and drinking and attending festivals on weekends, he is very up to date with music and his favourite taste is hip hop and R&B. The festivals he likes to attend are Huddersfield and Shambala.

He enjoys the latest films, often the biggest titles. He loves action and face-paced films like Suicide Squad and White House Down. He often watches the films on cinematic release at his local cinema, and buying them later on blu-ray / DVD too add to his collection.

As far as TV Shows go, Alex likes comedy shows like Family Guy, South Park and Friends. His favourite channels are Comedy Central and NBC.

Alex would listen to the hottest tracks that are live right now, his music taste is often influenced by what is played on the radio and what is the top tracks.  I think that my magazine would appeal to Alex because he is very urban and follows the artists which are at the top of the charts. In the magazine that I drafted, the artist which I featured is a Number 1. On the most played, which would appeal to Alex’s taste.

Sarah is 26, coming on 27. She lives within the suburbs of Liverpool. Her fashion taste is very bright and vibrant, she likes to be noticed with the clothes that she wears, and her wardrobe consists of plenty of unconventional festival type clothes.

She enjoys going to parties with her friends, and attending anywhere that has good music playing loud. When she is not partying, she enjoys spending her time making art, which she will post online to her social media following.

She shops mainly online, as the internet takes up the majority of her free time, her clothing is from festivals which she attends and from eBay sellers, she keeps a hippy style as it is most bright and attracts attention.

She enjoys primarily romance films like Bridget Jones, Me Before You and Love, Rosie. She mainly streams her films online at places like Netflix or Hulu. She enjoys Drama TV shows, like Pretty Little Liars and How To Get Away With Murder and similar to her preferred films she streams them online.

Her favourite streaming platform is Netflix, but does use others like Hulu and Amazon Prime.

I think that my magazine would appeal to Sarah because it has the most urban music which would appeal to a younger generation, the music is also mostly played at parties or festivals as it keeps a very hyped up vibe throughout.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Evaluation Question 3

What is a media institution?

A media conglomerate, or media group is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises. For example, TV, radio, motion pictures or in my case, magazine publishing.

Who distributes my existing style model?

Vibe magazine is my style model and it’s media company is Eldridge Industries. Vibe’s first issue that I can find dates all the way back too January 1998. The magazine is published in English and is edited by Datwon Thomas. There were formally 6 other editors prior to Mr. Thomas. The magazine is based in the US in New York City.

Other big magazine institutions.

IPC Media is one of the UK’s leading consumer magazine and publishers, with a large portfolio selling hundreds of millions of copies each year. However, as of 2014, the company has been renamed too Time Inc UK. Time Inc was founded in 1968 – 49 years ago. As of now, it has 17 Lifestyle publishing divisions, 15 Luxury publishing divisions and 31 Specialist publishing divisions.

What company would I like to distribute my magazine and why?

I’d like Bauer Media too publish my magazine as they currently do not run any contemporary R&B / hip hop magazine. They mainly distribute sport magazines which include fishing, cars and bikes. With a few exceptions of music related magazines like Kerrang and Q. I believe that introducing a new genre of music magazine to their list of brands would be beneficial to Bauer and my magazine. The music magazines that they do own, often have their own sites and radio like ‘Q’. This would be most beneficial for my Hourglass Magazine as they will be able to reach a larger audience over the internet and radio.

Expanding my product.

I believe that the genre of my magazine, R&B is very urban and modern. Because of this, it is likely the appeal to a younger generation of  18 – 30 year olds. I am also aware that this age range is very up to date with technology and social media. Because of this, I would be able to expand my product beyond a magazine brand and onto the social media platforms such as twitter and Facebook. This would be beneficial to reaching as many people as possible.

Music Magazine: Front Cover