Monday 27 February 2017

Evaluation Question 7

Research and Planning

My planning skills have more than improved since I began. At first, I may have took no more than 10 minutes to draft an idea for what I was going to set out to do. Now I put in far much time and thinking, taking things like mise en scene and props into account before taking my shot. (As seen when I replaced my front page actor). In my prelim task, my shot was so straight forward that you can tell I had put no effort into the shot. Whereas in my music magazine shots, there are a variety of poses, clothing and a microphone prop. The extra thought put into the shot reflects on the end product.


Photoshop allowed me to get more advanced knowledge not only editing shots, but also taking them. When I had retook my shots, I took into account how they were going to be presented on my already finished front page. I adjusted not only the actor, but also the lighting so that the shot was easier to edit around with in photoshop.

Time Management
My time management has also greatly improved, my prelim task was rushed, almost last minute and the date in which I had planned to take the shots got pushed back further and further until I realised I had very little time to edit the actual front page / contents page. In my music magazine task however, time management was the key to ensuring my product was finalised and I was happy with the result.

Prelim vs. Magazine
My prelim task is greatly flawed and shows through the lack of any sort of planning or management, the end result of it was very basic, plain and straight forward, there was nothing particularly inspiring about it what so ever. My final product, the music magazine on the other hand sticks to conventions whilst including original ideas which shows the thought behind the magazine pages.

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Music Magazine: Front Cover