Tuesday 20 December 2016

Audience Feedback

For the past week, we have been working on presentations to share with the class on certain aspects of a music magazine. The aim of this is so that we can all grasp a greater understanding when we are crafting our magazines.

Friday 16 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Chosen Shot For Frontpage

This is the shot I intend to use for my front page. I think it is best suited for the front page.

Music Magazine Task : Chosen Shot For Contents Page

Here is the shot I have chosen for my contents page, I believe that with some editing I can capture a good contents page that will get the perfect image I am aiming for

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Shots

I like this shot the most, and I believe that
with some text editing I can make a good
cover using this. It gets a good serious vibe
that is often seen in hip-hop artists.
 Here are the shots I took today, I have inserted a short caption explaining my thoughts on the images. Overall, I am pleased with my shots I have took and look forward to editing them in my magazine.
This shot also went very well, this shot may
be good for my front cover. I believe it gives
a good serious vibe that I can use for my

This shots purpose is to undergo a lot
of editing to create an appropriate shot. I
Intend to create a much darker image through

This is also one of my favourite shots
However I am yet to find where I can use
it in my magazine. Much like the previous
two shots, this one captures the vibe I am
aiming for.

Friday 9 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Location

For my magazine's shot, I will require a location to take the picture. My actor and I are going to ask for permission to use our schools drama studio during a time when it is not being used. To do this, we will ask the head of drama what times the studio is being used and if she would be willing to allow us to use it for a short period. The reason we have chose to use the studio is because it has good lighting and overall is a very clean area to take simple shots.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Music Magazine Task : Costume & Narrative

The necessary costume for my shot will be worn by my actor, he will have his hood up and look somewhat crime/gang-related for the purpose of my shot. The reason I am aiming for this narrative is because rappers often associate themselves with crime, gangs and drugs in their music.

Music Magazine Task : My Actor

My actor and I have agreed on the shot, props and location of our picture. We're going to try to arrange an appropriate date for both of us so that we do not cut into our learning time. We have already arranged to wear specific clothes that is relevant to my magazine's theme and genre. I will update my blog and to detail what props we will involve.

Friday 25 November 2016

Music Magazine Task : Planning & Time Management

My Teacher and I discussed the planning and time management that is necessary to achieve an appropriate shot. I will blog all of the tiny steps I take into arranging the magazine, from taking the initial image all the way to editing the front page. 

It will be beneficial for my also as It will help my handle each task ahead of me one by one, which will reduce confusion. I am going to discuss with my actor when we are both available, where we will take the shot and what props will be used. Once we have arranged each one of the steps, I will blog it to make sure I am keeping track of my progress.

Music Magazine Task : Centered Genre

Here is a rapper who fits into my ideal photo. He gives a good urban
vibe through his clothing and the background. This image is clearly
professionally took by experienced photographers. I do not expect to
achieve an image like this however do think it is a good example
for what I am looking for.
For my music magazine task, I want to achieve a urban hip-hop theme similar to that of Vibe Magazine's. I know this is probably the best genre to centre my magazine around as it is a music type which I am interested in and up to date with. I should take the aspect of my magazines theme in consideration when crafting a plan. E.g. My actor should use a specific pose, look a specific way. The Mise-en-scene should give a narrative of hip-hop culture. My location should be within a suitable location. Taking all these things into consideration, I will be able to achieve a believe-able front page for my magazine.

Monday 21 November 2016

Vibe Magazine Analysis : Colour Palette

Vibe Magazine uses very basic colours that stand out and catch the readers eye. The most common colours are white, black and a key bright colour. These colours are both urban and very simple. The reason why it decides to use two simple black and white colours and then a bright vibrant colour is so that it catches the reader's eye on shelves.

Vibe Magazine Analysis : Title

The title 'Vibe' is a very simple, catchy title that is rememberable. It matches the magazines theme, as a very urban and relaxing 'vibe'. In addition this this, we know that the original colour palette of the magazines use 3 colours. 2 of which are black and white so that the brighter colour will become more eye catching. This matches the magazine's title as it's house style is very simple and clear.

Vibe Magazine Analysis : House Style

Vibe have a common theme of featuring very successful artists on their front pages. This makes it feel more professional to the reader. It is features really bold text that stands out on the page, making keywords in a bigger size. This is very catching to the human eye and are likely the draw attention when displayed on shelves. The keywords that are displayed in a bigger size are words that may grab the readers attention. E.g. Celebrities names.

Friday 18 November 2016

Vibe Magazine Analysis : Price

The price that Vibe Magazines are available for are around £3.99 - £4.99. However, they also offer a subscription for £6.65 for 6 issues. I can use this information to assume it's audience in terms of age varies as the £3.99 issues are one that can be bought by older teenagers to young adults from pocket changes, whereas the £6.65 seems something that a older person may purchase.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Vibe Music Analysis : Genre

The genre Vibe Magazine is mostly associated with is urban hip-hop and rap music. I know this because it features many rap artists on their front pages in selected issues. The genre featured also reflects the target audience as rap is mostly seen to be associated with an young, male audience. However, it also features several R&B artists which may appeal to a female audience as the genre is mostly associated with females.

Vibe Magazine Analysis : Gender

Vibe Magazine's targeted gender is mostly males. This is because the rap genre is mostly associated with males rather than females. However, the magazine does also feature several R&B and dance music singers like Rihanna. When celebrities like Beyonce and Nicki Minaj it is likely going to appeal to the female audience.

Vibe Magazine Analysis : Age Range

Vibe Magazine's age range appears to be from 18-35 year olds. This age range appears to be the ones most up-to-date with hip-hop and rap music which Vibe is associated with.

Vibe Magazine Analysis : Audience.

Vibe magazine is aimed at young adults and people who are with the times on hip-hop and R&B music. This is mostly teens to young adults however it may appeal to a older audience.

Personal Improvements

  • I should try to add some variety by giving different types of pictures (close-ups etc)
  • I should take the text space in consideration before taking a shot.
  • I should take mise-en-scene, background and narrative to make.

  • I should make sure the page numbers make sense on my contents page.
  • I should plan ahead and take more time when in photoshop

Friday 11 November 2016

More Style Models

Here are some more style models I have took several ideas from to help improve my pre-lim task to maximise it's appeal.

Contents Page

I have finished my contents page using the same techniques used for my front page

Monday 7 November 2016

Frontpage Photoshop Editing

For my pre-lim tasks front page, I have:

  • manipulated the layers to make it look more appealing
  • removed several backgrounds
  • added other external pictures such as the logo
  • added several effects to the text such as shadows and inner glows
With a few days of photoshop practise i believe i have been able to make an appropriate front page for my pre-lim task. I have also included the style model my front page is inspired by.

Friday 21 October 2016

More Photoshop Practise Update: Removing Backgrounds & Manipulating Layers

Last lesson, I revised over Photoshop and it's layers to make my editing more effective. In this minor picture, have have gave it a background and made my text go behind Jessica's head.

Pre-lim Task: Photoshop

Today I have practised using Photoshop to create a front page for my magazine. This is a nice trial run on editing my front page for my pre-lim task. I have cut part of the image and made it into a header, also I have added a Oldershaw Logo to help get the school image across

Sunday 16 October 2016

Pre-lim Task: Chosen Shot

Here is my chosen shot from the several pictures I took during our trip to the school's library last week. I believe this one is most fitting as It captures all of the props I intended to and also has a clear narrative unlike some of the other shots I took. In addition to this, my actor gave a suitable smile that suits the happy student narrative I am going for.

Pre-lim Task: Overall Result

 Here are my (5) shots I took in our free-time for my pre-lim task. I am overall pleased with the result despite not being able to obtain at least 6 suitable pictures. The picture's narrative was captured to my liking and I look forward to improving in the near future.

Pre-lim Task: Mise-en-scène

As far as props go for my pre-lim task. I have chose standard educational material such as pens, books and text books. I have told my actor (Matthew) that I will bring in all props for our shot. We now only need to find time to take several pictures and decide which ones are the best.

Pre-lim Task: Actor

The actor I have chose for my pre-lim task is a fellow pupil Matthew who is also part of my Media Studies Class. We have discussed a possible shot in which he will be equipped with various educational material such as books, pens, and text books. I will provide the consent form for Matthew to sign to declare he is comfortable with being the actor for my pre-lim task.

Pre-lim task: Location

The location I have chose for my pre-lim task is our school's library. I have chosen the library because I believe it's a good educational environment that will reflect on my pictures.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Pre-lim task: Consent Form

This is the form I will have my actors sign to confirm that they're comfortable with pictures I am taking for my project, so there will not be any legal issues.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Picture Plan

Today I have discussed my plan for a photo with a fellow student.

Matthew (my actor) will be sat at a desk in our library with a plastic bottle, book, and pen in hand and with a joyful smile. The story behind my image is to give a happy, healthy and educated vibe from the student. I have took several practise shots during my lesson that I will update when I get access to our schools group folder where they have been saved.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Mr Liddell's Blog


Research - Style Models

Q Magazine

 The research I have made regarding the Q magazine’s audience, age range, genre and price is as follows;

·      -The target audience is aimed at a older generation who are still buying CD’S

·      -The age range is around 15-44. Statistics show that this is around 83% of the customers.

·      -The genre is often rock as it features bands such as Metallica and Kings of Leon.
·      -The price is £4.50.

Music Magazine: Front Cover