Tuesday 31 January 2017

Evaluation Questions

I have 7 evaluation questions in total to complete, I aim to finish these before the end of next month (February) ready to be posted on my blog. By sticking to time and planning, I hope to complete each one and have it posted every so few days so that come end of February my questions have been completed

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Contents Page

Here is my contents page. I have closely examined another Vibe Magazine Contents Page and based mine off it. I implemented such features like;

  • Bolding of keywords
  • Way of laying out numbers
  • 'Fashion' tab with '>'
  • 'Features' Sub-heading above contents
  • Magazine Logo found in background
Overall, I am pleased with the result of my contents page and do believe I have used a healthy amount of Vibe Contents Page conventions.

Double Page Spread Changes

I have changed my double page spread, adding actor background story & relating to a hit single. Aswell as a Q&A which I found used on another Vibe music magazine double page-spread that featured kendrick lamar. I also have stuck closely with the guidelines and made sure everything is aligned.

Front Cover Image Changed

I decided to change my front page actor as it did not match the one on the other pages. I also like this one better as it gives off much more of a mood. The actor looks serious, and has his hood up; which matches the conventions off a typical rapper.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Contents Page Guidelines

I have applied the same guidelines to my contents page so that I do not put any text or other design in an area which would be unseen in the final print.

Front Page Guidelines

I have added guidelines onto my front page and revamped some of the text sizes and positioning to ensure that it does not get cut off during the printing process

Double Page Spread Guidelines

On my double page spread, I have applied guidelines which give me a indication on where the page will be cut during printing, this is important because I do not want the contents of my page to be damaged. By applying these guidelines, I have also slightly revamped the position of some text including the HG logo.

Monday 9 January 2017

Music Magazine : Revision

I have revised my Cover Page, Contents Page and my Double-Page Spread and referred their designs very closely to a specific example model, taken from the magazine I have chose 'Vibe'. For example,
Contents Page
My whole contents page no. list, has been completely reworked, giving it a style more similar to that of my style models. I gave it varying text style (bold, regular, thin etc), I also aligned the text to the left side of the screen rather than having it centred. As well as adding other minor changes which reflect I have been referring to my style model.
Double-page spread
My double page spread has suffered the least amount of changes, as when designing it, I already referred closely to my style model. However, I did clean up the work, making the HG logo larger to fill empty wasted space and change several text effects to make the writing more clear.
Front Page
As for my front page, there are several conventions I need to change, such as the waste of space. To get rid of it, I will make my text larger. Overall, I am relatively pleased with the outcome of my front page and will continue to add minor updates to make sure it has as many of the conventions I require.

Friday 6 January 2017

Music Magazine: DPS Draft

Here is a comparison of the work I made, and the work I based it off. At the same time, I applied my house style of the shades of blue and my logo "HG" which I believe came out very well.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Music Magazine DPS

Here is a style model of a double page spread that I intend to base mine of. I think this could work well as I could use my 'HG' logo in place where the 'WK'.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Music Magazine - Contents Page

Here is a scrap edit of my contents page. I have applied some style model conventions such as;

  • The messy display of text found in Vibe Magazine's contents
  • The varying style of text, some smaller, some bold.
  • Logo in the background behind page's actor. 

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Frontpage Futher Drafting

Here is the extended draft result of my magazine's front page. Overall, I am pleased with the outcome and believe I have stuck to conventions reasonably. For example;

  • The sub headings along the side of the magazine alternate in colour
  • A large heading 'Giforen' to catch a readers eye for fans of the 'artist'
  • I have applied a appropriate price 
  • I have applied a appropriate barcode
  • I have established a logo that I intend to use for the other pages.
Though this is the final result, I may make other subtle changes to the magazine's front page for various reasons.

I must remember to change the sizes of the masthead and actor name. As well as look further into getting a new actor for this cover

Monday 2 January 2017

Music Magazine Front Page & Models

This is the scrap front page I have made. I now intend to apply some of the concepts found from my style model onto the front page. This is so that I can hope the cover page will be able to resemble some sort of professionalism, which is inspired by the Vibe Magazine Style Models I have chose.

Music Magazine: Front Cover