Monday 9 January 2017

Music Magazine : Revision

I have revised my Cover Page, Contents Page and my Double-Page Spread and referred their designs very closely to a specific example model, taken from the magazine I have chose 'Vibe'. For example,
Contents Page
My whole contents page no. list, has been completely reworked, giving it a style more similar to that of my style models. I gave it varying text style (bold, regular, thin etc), I also aligned the text to the left side of the screen rather than having it centred. As well as adding other minor changes which reflect I have been referring to my style model.
Double-page spread
My double page spread has suffered the least amount of changes, as when designing it, I already referred closely to my style model. However, I did clean up the work, making the HG logo larger to fill empty wasted space and change several text effects to make the writing more clear.
Front Page
As for my front page, there are several conventions I need to change, such as the waste of space. To get rid of it, I will make my text larger. Overall, I am relatively pleased with the outcome of my front page and will continue to add minor updates to make sure it has as many of the conventions I require.

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Music Magazine: Front Cover